Understanding Cyber Warfare: Politics, Policy, & Strategy (Routledge) with Brian Mazanec, December 2018.
Second Edition (Routledge) with Brian Mazanec, January 2023.​
Information Warfare in the Age of Cyber Conflict (Routledge), with Brian Mazanec and Trevor Thrall, July 28, 2020.
Artificial Intelligence and Military Innovation (Georgetown University Press), with Benjamin Jensen and Scott Cuomo, October 3, 2023.
Subversion 2.0: Leaderlessness, the Internet and the Fringes of Global Society (Oxford University Press), July 30, 2024.
Journal Publications
“Artificial Intelligence and the Battlespace of Tomorrow,” International Studies Review, Forthcoming.
"“Beyond ‘Bigger, Faster, Smarter, Better’: Assessing Thinking on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Conflict,” The Cyber Defense Review, Fall 2023.
“Cyberspace is What States Make of It: The Social Construction (and Deconstruction) of Strategic Concepts,” Comparative Strategy, December 2022.
“From Russia with Fear: Fear Appeals and the Targeting of Cyber-Enabled Influence Operations,” Journal of Cybersecurity, Issue 1, 2023, tyad016, August 24, 2023.
“Learning to Trust Skynet: Interfacing with Artificial Intelligence in Cyberspace,” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 44, Issue 2, March 10, 2023.
“Terror Through the Looking Glass: Information Orientations and the Lens of Web Search Engines,” Terrorism & Political Violence, December 28, 2022.
“Developing the “Hackalong”: Overcoming Experiential Obstacles for Cybersecurity Students in Homeland Security Programs,” Journal of Security, Intelligence and Resilience Education, Volume 14, December 2022.
"Machine Expertise in the Loop: How Military Decision-Makers React to AI Intelligence Delivery in Crisis," IEEE: Cyber Conflict, 14th International Conference (CyCon) Proceedings, May 2022.
"Unpacking Strategic Behavior in Cyberspace: A Schema-Based Approach," Journal of Cybersecurity, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022.
"Breaking the Myth of Cyber Doom: Securitization and the Normalization of Novel Security Threats," International Studies Quarterly, May 15, 2021.
“Poison, Persistence and Cascade Effects: Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Conflict,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, Winter 2020/21 Edition, In press.
“Cyber Conflict or Democracy ‘Hacked?’ How Cyber Operations Enhance Information Warfare” Journal of Cybersecurity, no. 1: tyaa013.
“DeepFake News: AI-Enabled Disinformation as a Multi-Level Public Policy Challenge,” Journal of Cyber Policy, 5, no. 2 (2020): 199-217.
“Beyond Tit-for-Tat in Cyberspace: Digital Insecurity, Political Warfare and Escalation Online,” European Journal of International Security, 5(2), June 2020, pp. 195-214.
“Protectors Without Prerogative: The Challenge of Military Defense Against Information Warfare,” Journal of Advanced Military Studies, Summer 2020.
“Problems of Poison: New Paradigms and “Agreed” Competition in the Era of AI-Enabled Cyber Operations,” in IEEE: Cyber Conflict, 12th International Conference (CyCon) Proceedings, May 2020.
“Of Commissars and Conspiratorial Communities: The Role of Countercultural Spaces in “Democracy Hacking” Campaigns,” First Monday, 25(4), 6 April, 2020.
“Using Mini-Games to Teach Cyber Issues to Social Science Students,” Journal of Political Science Education, 2020: 1-11.
"Cyber Wargaming: Grappling with Uncertainty in a Complex Domain,” Defense Strategy and Assessment Journal, 5(3) December 2019, with Miguel Gomez
"Algorithms at War: The Promise, Perils and Limits of Artificial Intelligence,” International Studies Review, 24 June 2019, with Benjamin Jensen and Scott Cuomo
"Can we change the topic? Assessing the theoretical construction of research in the International Relations field,” International Studies Quarterly, 63, no. 2 (2019): 432-447.
"Cryptoterrorism: Assessing the Utility of Blockchain Technologies for Terrorist Enterprise,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Online First, Jan. 2, 2019.
"Crossing the Digital Divide: Monism, Dualism and the Reason Collective Action is Critical for Cyber Theory Production,” Politics & Governance, June 2018
"Rethinking the Data Wheel: Automating Open-Access, Public Data on Cyber Conflict" with Brandon Valeriano, Benjamin Jensen and Ryan Maness, IEEE Cyber Conflict (CyCon), May 2018.
“Dissecting the Digital World: Old Questions, New Directions," International Studies Review, 2018, pp. 1521-9488.
“Developed States' Vulnerability to Economic Disruption Online,” Orbis, 60(3): pp. 1-16
“Ending Cyber Coercion: Digital Diplomacy and the Case of North Korea,” Comparative Strategy, 35(2): pp. 1-11
“Regional Structures & Post-Colonial Legitimacy: Understanding the Policy Dynamics of Asian Regionalism,” Asian Politics & Policy (published online April 27, 2016; forthcoming in print)
“On the Future of Order in Cyberspace,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, 9(2):pp. 69-77
“Power and Predation in Cyberspace,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, 9(1):pp. 100-118
“Thinking Inside the (Black) Box: Agenda Setting, Information Seeking and the Marketplace of Ideas in the 2012 Presidential Election,” New Media and Society (Forthcoming in print, published online December,2014)

Under Review & In Progress

"Artificial Intelligence, Cyberspace and National Security,” Book Manuscript (under review).
“Explaining Death Rays and Killer Code: An Information Theory of Military Innovation” (under review).
“Shots from the EternalBlue: How Technological Novelty Impacts Conflict Escalation” (revise and resubmit).
“Cyber-Enabled Information Operations and the Subversion Aversion Paradox” (under review).
"The Informational Anatomy of Cyber Attacks: Assessing the Lens of Search Engine Algorithms," (revise and resubmit)
“Crossing the Rubicon at Twilight: Cyber Conflict, Escalation and the Path to Overconfidence,” (in progress)
“Ghosts in the Code: Power and Metamorphism in the Age of the Internet,” (revise and resubmit)
“Not for King and Country: The Needs and Networks of Patriotic Hackers,” (in progress)
Selected Non-Journal Publications
“The Future of Algorithmic Warfare (Parts I, II, III and IV)" War on the Rocks
“The psychological and strategic challenges posed by AI-enhanced cyberattacks and influence campaigns,” CSO Online
“How the Wagner revolt could change Russia’s cyber operations,” CSO Online
“Why Russia's cyber arms transfers are poor threat predictors,” CSO Online
“NTC Vulkan leak shows evolving Russian cyberwar capabilities,” CSO Online
“Why Investments in Better Infrastructure Cyber Defense Are Just a Start,” CPO Magazine
“Russia’s AI setbacks will likely heighten its cyber aggression,” CSO Online
“Cyber and Nuclear Threats Make for a Dangerous Mix in Ukraine,” World Politics Review
“Leaked hacker logs show weaknesses of Russia’s cyber proxy ecosystem,” CSO Online
“Learning the Right Cybersecurity Lessons From Putin,” Foreign Policy
“Cyber volunteers make unprecedented case for investments in digital education,” Richmond Times Dispatch
“An Isolated Russia Will Pose New Cyber Threats,” The National Interest
“The Dangers of Pushing Fringe Elements Back to the Fringe,” Small Wars Journal
“Removing Trump from Social Media Doesn’t Fix America’s Subversion Problem,” U.S. News and World Report
Watts, John, Ben Jensen, JD Work, Nina Kollars and Christopher Whyte. Alternate Cybersecurity Futures. Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council, September 6, 2019.
“Wargaming with Athena: How to Make Militaries Smarter, Faster, and More Efficient with Artificial Intelligence,” War on the Rocks
“Competition in Cyberspace: Why Russia’s Anti-Privacy Hacking is Doomed to Fail,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
"The Dilemma of Arming Rebels,” The National Interest
“How Chinese Censorship Works,” The National Interest
“Cybersecurity, Innovation and National Power,” The National Interest
“Cybersecurity and the Limits of Leader Summits,” Diplomat
“Drones for Our Allies?” Foreign Policy
“The Odds of a Secret Iranian Nuke,” The National Interest
“Recapturing Internationalism: Institutional Development for NATO’s Next Generations,” Atlantic Community
“The Military Lens: Doctrinal Difference and Deterrence Failure in Sino-American Relations,” by Christopher Twomey, Millennium Journal of International Studies, 40(1): 188-190